Main / Economy / Investments


The investment policy of the region is focused on the development of the social and industrial infrastructure.

Housing construction, upgrade and renovation of manufactures are among top priorities of the investment policy.

In accordance with 2007 investment projects, Br550 million ($255,814) were invested in the reconstruction of the Druisk children’s home.
Construction of a water supply system is in progress in Zabornye Gumny district of Braslav. It is slated for completion in 2008.

Braslavsky Koopzagotprom has been reconstructing a sausage production facility.

An apartment block for 80 flats is being built in the town of Braslav.

In accordance with the Programme of Economic and Social Development of the town of Braslav in 2006-2010, Braslav gymnasium will have a 280-bed hostel in 2008.